To that end I believe the best candidate out there for President of the United States is Governor Mitt Romney. He has proven time and again that he is an effective leader when it comes to running businesses and governments. Of course as a Utahn I have a soft spot for him for all the great things he did for us with the Olympics, but that was just another feather in his hat for an outstanding career of taking an ailing business and turning it around to make it profitable. I really do admire the way he analyzes problems and comes up with solutions. I can't help but think our government is way too big with a lot of excessive spending, useless and failed social programs, and not enough support of education and energy needs. We are also paying too much in taxes and need to simplify the process. I can't tell you how upset I get when my work wants to reward me for my hard work and give me a bonus as a way of saying thanks, only to turn around and have the IRS take out almost 50% of it! That's MY hard earned money that MY employeer wants to give me for MY efforts. Mitt Romney wants to put more of my paycheck back into my wallet.
He wants to use a free market approach to provide health care for those that can't afford it on their own. Having the government run health care is a really bad idea. Think about it, do you want the same governing entity that fills in potholes to help take out your appendix? Using a similar approach of what he did in Massachusetts, Governor Romney will help those that can't afford it to have private insurance to get covered.
I could go on and on, but if you are undecided which candidate to vote for at least look at what Mitt Romney is running for and see if that's what you want too. I don't think the other folks that are running are in the same league with business acumen and experience. I don't want higher taxes or more government agencies or someone who's afraid of increase our own energy output. What makes America great are people that lift themselves up decide to take their destiny into their own hands. I think Mitt is one of those kinds of people that can help our wonderful country continue to be the shining light of liberty and hope to the rest of the world. Vote for Mitt!
I'm glad you support Mitt because you believe that he's the best candidate, and not because he's Mormon. I think there are too many LDS that back him up just because of a shared faith... For the record, I'm routing for Mitt too. I think he's the best hope for reshaping our economy.