I took my boys to a local hair-cutting establishment last Saturday to get them trimmed up a bit. I couldn't help but notice that with the exception of the person that cut Owen's hair, ALL of them had really bad haircuits. One of them had hair that started off ok, but towards the back seem to keep growing to the point you could probably put in a few cans of hairspray inside there and you wouldn't be able to find them. The next one had a combination A-style/finger in socket look ala bad color job. At lastly, but not leastly, the look I like to describe as "1985 called and wants you to stop impersonating Pat Benatar!!!", but with dyed bangs. I should be grateful that no mullets were involved, but I'm just thinking that if it's your job to sell people on your hair-cutting prowess, shouldn't your own quaff reflect your higher sense of hair fashion?
(btw, it's coif, short for coiffure - french.) :) I guess the real question is, how did they do on the boys' hair? They usually look pretty darn sharp, so as long as they can cut other people's hair, then it's a little more forgivable for their own inability to create a pleasing style on themselves.