Friday, February 22, 2008

Down with the Sickness

It started Saturday night with an innocent cough. I'm thinking that since the inversion is here (what happens when cold air traps pollution in the valley) that I'm just feeling it a bit. Sunday was more of the same except Melissa had a fever in the 103 range. To make a long story longer, each day we both got progressively worse. Melissa hasn't gone to work at all this week and I've only done about two days worth of work. I'm just very lucky that neither of our kids have gotten sick. Owen seems more energenic than ever and Jesse has done a great job with helping out at night and getting himself ready. I've let him play my Nintendo DS before he goes to bed. He loves playing the new Mario Bros. I've wanted to add more entries to my diary but I just haven't felt like making the effort to type. I'll try to wrap up a week's worth of thoughts into a paragraph or two.
First thing's first. My wife got me Guitar Hero 80's edition and a wireless guitar. Awesome!!! My favorite song hands down is Only a Lad by Oingo Boingo! Next thought, with the new Indiana Jones movie coming out in May I would hope that all my friends and family that read this, yes all four of you, that we do this thing up right. That means a midnight showing with all the fun stuff that we've done in the past with the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings movies. I love big movie midnight premieres. The crowds always have a lot of fun energy, there are lots of people that dress up and then you get to watch a great movie. So I'll take the lead on this one and find out where and when. Just email/call/text me if you want to go. Next up, I want to echo the remarks found in Brad's blog about 101.9 The End. Chunga aka Brett Smith is a loser of epic proportions. I would encourage everyone that listens to that radio station to stop immediately. And lastly, this is a guilty pleasure of mine: Ask a Ninja. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you have all been sick - I hope that clears up soon and you can get back to normal again! Thank goodness the boys are still feeling good.

    Count us in (at least Jarom) for the Indiana Jones premier, and probably some of his brothers too. The last few ones we've been to have been so much fun! Let me know details when it gets closer.
