With the recent purchase of the Wii, I asked my brother-in-law if I could borrow his Mario Galaxy game so that we would have something else to play other than the sports game we have. While the controls were very much unlike any other Mario game I've played, after awhile it all seemed second nature. Even Jesse was able to pick up on the controls quickly and even passed a few levels. He made the comment to me yesterday that Uncle Dustin's Mario is better than our Mario. Our Mario is from the Super Mario World version on the Gameboy. Appearantly riding a dinosaur isn't nearly as cool as walking around on little planets. I'm guessing Jesse wouldn't fully appreciate how far Mario has come from his 8-bit days as a plumber.

Oh I remember that Christmas day so many years ago when we got our NES...the sheer joy of jumping over man eating plants, going down pipes, and smashing bricks...in all its 8 bit glory...