Thursday, April 3, 2008

Laments of a power computer

At my day job I recently received a brand new quad core computer, 3 Gig of RAM, 2 160 GB HD's in a SATA raid, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Sounds great, right? Well, among the new programs I got was Office 2007. I'm a big fan of programs like Excel and OneNote, but this beefy machine for all its quadruple processing muscle, has a hard time rendering my dozen or so graphs that are on one sheet. Appearantly processor #2 doesn't like it when I move graphs around or try to edit them. I've never had this problem even with my home computer which is just a lowly dual core. Maybe my video card is better. It can handle WoW like a champ. I'd hate to think a PCI-e video card in my work computer is being outclassed by a TV tuner card in my home computer. Now, if you understood any of this blog, I'm sorry, you're a geek like me. If not, you're normal and should just be grateful that your mind isn't bothered with such silly minutiae. Actually, I've just been looking for a good reason to use the word "minutiae" (pronounced min-u-sha). Me <---- dork

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