A few days ago when I filled up my gas tank with my kids' college fund I noticed a radio station was there promoting whatever. I approached them and was met with a friendly staffer who offered me a Full Throttle energy drink. I took it, said thanks, and was on my way. Remembering the ads and commercials of how powerful and great FT was I was anticipating something a little more full of oomph. When I tasted it I was amazed to realize that, to me, Full Throttle tastes like gummy bears. Very nice fruit gummy bears, not the cheap ones, but good quality gummy bears. Now did I feel so full of energy that I could finish my basement in a day? No. Was I able to stay awake for the rest of my shift at work. Sure. So here's my word of advice to the Coca-Cola company. If you're going to make an energy drink and taut it as the overpowered steroid-infused muscle bound tough guy that you think it is, make it taste like something other than a candy beloved by my one year old.
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