Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Assault

The assault usually happens during the hours of 1am to 5am. Being as quiet as ghost and moving like lightning, a small shadowy form comes closer and closer to us. Then it begins. First the dog. Then a monkey. Next a wolf. Finally a hippo. Then with some effort the largest piece of ammo hits us, the animal blanket. Ultimately the ascension begins with some sounds of effort. Once the small being has scaled the impressively large height that is our bed, he carefully gathers his belongings and settles in between us. While some assaults result in the expulsion of the attacker back to whence he came, more often than not it isn't until when the sun comes up that anything happens.

And for all you parents out there you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're enjoying a nice restful sleep when all of a sudden the sound of your little one is right next to you expecting you to take them up and have them lay by you. In general I'm of the mindset that unless they are sick or scared they should go back to their bed. But there is that other side of me that says that if I want him to go back to bed that means that I have to get up and do it.
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  1. are you kidding me how can you say no to that face :).

  2. I love it!! That is exactly what it's like!!

  3. On a especially lucky night you can have 2 or 3 children appear at random times during the night. Each night that occurs without interruption is held is special reserve

  4. We get screamed at - and we still take the little stinker in :0)
