Once again I have Netflix to thank for another blog entry. I decided to get one of my favorite shows from my childhood and show Jesse to see what he thought. He was a little confused because he thought they were at first people that dressed like cats, then they were cats that looked like people, and finally people that were part cat but mostly people. For me it was fun to see the cartoon, but soon I realized that as a kid I had absolutely no sense of script or plot. I was really bummed that the dialog was so bad! I still think the animation holds up very well, the music is fun and the characters, with the exception of Snarf, are well made. I think my biggest realization from watching this was that it was a lot better when I was a kid, and maybe I should have left it in my past. Lesson learned, and my Netflix queue has been updated with the removal of other "cartoon classics" that I'll just save as a fun memory.
I'm with ya there, some things should be left in the past. Every once in a while I get an idea to watch something that was "cool" as a kid and realize...well maybe not. Of course there is always Walker Texas Ranger to remind us that a really bad show can exist today... :}