Ok, so to answer Melissa's tag here I go:
1. What is her name? Melissa
2. How long have you been married? 7 down, forever to go!!!
3. How long did you date? We're still dating, it's just hard to find a babysitter sometimes.
4. Who eats more? Me, and I got the belly to prove it!!!
5. Who said I love you first? Me. I don't know when, I remember where, and I think Melissa fell asleep right after that.
6. Who sings better? Melissa on a bad day is about 23 times better than me on my best day. Jesse sings better than me. I think I still have Owen beat, but he can dance better.
7. Who is taller? If I sit down then Melissa is taller, otherwise everyone gets to bask in my 6'2" glory.
8. Whose temper is worse? Mine. Think Incredible Hulk only not green and as muscular.
9. Who does the laundry? The laundry machine.
10. Who does the dishes? The dishwasher.
Geez, who wrote these questions?
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We both do. The right side is on top. The wrong side in
inbetween the
matress and the box thingies.
12. Who does the cooking? Wendy's, Cafe Rio, Little Caesar's and us on burrito night.
13. Who is more stubborn? Definitely her!!! No Question about it!!
14. Who proposed? I did. It was awesome.
15. Who is more likely to admit when they are wrong? Me, because I usually am, unless it deals with movies, comic books, video games or 80's music.
16. Whose parents do you see the most? My mother-in-law watches the kids once a week, then my parents, then my father-in-law and step-mother-in-law.
17. Who pays the bills? Melissa. Funny thing is I really don't even know anyone named Bill, but I guess there is more than one.
18. Who wears the pants in the family? We both do, though I usually wear jeans more often. Melissa enjoys her lounge-wear. During the summer I wear shorts more, but with legs as white as mine I should probably go spend some time in a tanning booth.
19. Why do you love your wife? She's the best! She has made me a much better person than I would be otherwise! She is a wonderful wife, an awesome mother, and her lasagna is second to none! I don't know what I'd do without her!!!