You couldn't have asked for a better dog than Bradley. He was so good to us and so friendly to others. Our kids loved him like another brother. We will miss him so much!
For 24 years this family portrait has graced my parents' home, and for 24 years I still can't help to think that I look like a deer in the headlights. (I'm the dapper young lad on the right)
It's nice to be reminded that as nerdy as I am, there is always someone nerdier. A guy at my work has a 5x5, 6x6 and 7x7 rubik's cube at his desk, so I took the 6x6 and made it look Christmasy. Happy Holidays!
I filled up my car for under $18 today! The Costco near my work had gas for only $1.509 a gallon. In this time of thanks I'm grateful for low gas prices and the ability to fill up my tank without using a Grant or Benjamin.