I've been collecting Iron Man comics since 1987 when I first got into comic books. He's always been one of my favorite characters, so when I heard that they were going to make a movie with him I was very hesitant. I knew he wouldn't get the same treatment as Spider-Man or Batman, but as more and more people signed on to the movie I got a little more hope that the movie would be good. The director is a huge fan, Gwen Paltrow's husband is a big fan (she borrowed his comics to learn about her character). Robert Downey Jr. said he'd make 15 Iron Man movies if he could. ILM signed on to do the visual effects after their fantastic work with Transformers. Then I saw the trailers. Wow. So did it live up to its hype? YES! The great thing about this movie is it did not depend on the special effects to tell the story. Robert Downey Jr, aka Tony Stark, was perfect for the role. In or out of the suit he made the movie great. So did all the other actors too! There wasn't a bad performance, even the robots in the workshop had their moments. This movie was every bit as good as my favorite comic movies X-Men 2, Spider-Man 2 and Batman Begins. If anything SM2 got the boot and good ol' Shellhead stands supreme as best comic book movie of all time. Seriously, for me it was the perfect popcorn movie. The film makers made the story a good update to current events. Originally Tony Stark made the armor during the Vietnam War, but setting it up in the Middle East was well adapted. The Iron Man armor itself sees 3 different version during the movie with the red and gold one seeing screen time about half way through. In current comic books he's on his 27th or so version of his armor. I'm happy with the bad guy they choose for this movie. They kept him tech based and made him great. The original Stark/Stane story concluded in Iron Man 200 (yes I can just name the issue off the top of my head) where Tony made his Silver Centurion version of his armor. Right after that story ended is when I started collecting and reading Iron Man, so for me it was very fun to see the movie have the events that I knew for over 20 years now. So when you watch it, make sure you stay to the end after the credits for an extended scene showing the future of Iron Man, and if you see the Incredible Hulk movie later this summer, Robert Downey will be in that as Tony Stark. Fun Fun.